Friday, June 02, 2006

Force Feed

Machines of misery,

day by day,

pummel stuff into me.

Things like many leaves,

all the same,

fill the stacks.

Gibberish, meaningless.

Mark everything.

Heavy chains decorate the wall

guess who is in the middle of the web?

This is me, the little speck

a wad of flesh inside a machine

you want to hear me scream?

Freedom is, half of a dream;

a dream which I wish to create.

Faceless faces of people too

just like you fill the vision inside.

Just let be, just let me go.

Just let me be, just let me go.

Come to me,

open my lips,

even though I'll say no.

Tears mingle with mush.

force feed me in the machine

freedom isn't your word

chip off my toe, I'll chop off your foot.

There goes my heart,

there goes my soul,

I have one big gaping hole.

Prison, this is my big life,

I just wished I could follow

your lead into the world of faceless men,

Where I'd drown there and then.

Just let me be,

let me go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this, very dark and unique some great disturbing imagery.

6/03/2006 04:19:00 am  
Blogger Lady Yuki Shizuka said...

I intended it as song lyrics, but the whole composing system was acting funny, and I've put one Malcolm X quote in here on purpose and references to Nine Inch Nail's "Happiness in Slavery" :P

6/03/2006 09:12:00 am  

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